It’s been so hard! ” she whispered. “I don’t know what our destiny is! ” Cloudstar bent his head toward her. “Your destiny is what you make it, Leafstar.

Erin Hunter
Some Similar Quotes
  1. One love, one heart, one destiny. - Bob Marley

  2. Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another. - Thomas Merton

  3. You see, " she concluded miserably, "when I can call like that to him across space-- I belong to him. He doesn't love me--he never will--but I belong to him. - L.m. Montgomery

  4. There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be... - John Lennon

  5. You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny. It is your choices and decisions that determine your destiny. - Roy T. Bennett

More Quotes By Erin Hunter
  1. Follow your heart! (sppotedleafs motto)

  2. [Fireheart]mewed, "It's not my place to judge you." Greystripe looked up as Fireheart went on." Greystripe, whatever you decide to do, I will always be your friend.

  3. Now Darkstripe, ' Graypaw hissed to Firepaw under his breath, 'is neither young, nor pretty.

  4. Bluestar blinked. "There are cats who would argue that there should never have been a fifth Clan in the forest at all. Why are there four oaks at Fourtrees, if not to stand for the four Clans?"Firestar gazed up at the massive oak trees, then...

  5. You speak from your heart, young Firepaw. This will make you a stronger warrior one day." said LionheartTigerclaw growled. "Or it might make him give in to kittypet weakness right at the moment of attack

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